
Enrolling for the 2025-26 School Year

Spots available for the 2025 – 2026 School year
The School year is September 2025 – June 2026. We also offer Summer programs for July-August 2025

Toddlers ( 18Months – 3Years )

Preschoolers (3 – 6 Years)

Preschooler Must be Toilet trained( or well on the way )


Engage your little ones in a fun filled experience throughout the Summer. Our Summer camp programs offer children a great balance of exploring, discovering, making friends and learning new skills. Learning continues keeping their minds and bodies active while they are having fun. Below are the weekly camp themes.

Summer Camp Fees

Preschoolers (3 – 6 Years)

Enrichment Opportunities

Music Program – Using weekly Kindermusik program, children are welcomed into a playful and nurturing environment where they will sing, move, play instruments, and hear stories—all while developing social skills, problem-solving skills, pre-math skills, and a foundation for reading. Research-based Kindermusik curriculum focuses on whole-child development and helps you understand how your child is developing musically, cognitively, and socially expanding imagination, creativity and self-expression.

  • An arts education, especially musical, exposes children to the incomparable.
  • Children at this age, for the most part, are naturally receptive to the nuances of pitch and rhythm.
  • Young children are less inhibited than they might be after they enter elementary school. They are ready to jump right in and give it a go!
  • Fine and gross motor skills can be improved through improvisational dancing and handling of the instruments.
  • Vocal and speech development can improve through singing.
  • Listening skills and concentration improve with aural training.
  • The old-fashioned goals of sharing and cooperation are reinforced with the sharing of instruments and encouragement of other students.
  • One of the most important benefits is the proven positive effects music has on brain development in the areas of language and reasoning.
  • There is also a causal link between music and spatial intelligence (the ability to perceive the world accurately and to form mental pictures of things). This kind of intelligence, by which one can visualize various elements that should go together, is critical to the sort of thinking necessary for everything from solving advanced mathematics problems to being able to pack a book-bag with everything that will be needed for the day.
  • Children learning about the arts learn to think creatively and to solve problems by imagining various solutions, rejecting outdated rules and assumptions. Questions about the arts do not have only one right answer.
  • A study of the arts provides children with an internal glimpse of other cultures and teaches them to be empathetic towards the people of these cultures. This development of compassion and empathy, as opposed to development of greed and a “me first” attitude, provides a bridge across cultural chasms that leads to respect of other races at an early age.
  • Through music lessons, students learn the value of sustained effort to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards of hard work.
  • Music study enhances teamwork skills and discipline. In order for a group of children playing recorders to sound good, all players must work together harmoniously towards a single goal.
  • Music provides children with a means of self-expression. Self-esteem is a by-product of this self-expression.
  • Music study develops skills that are necessary in the workplace. It focuses on “doing,” as opposed to observing, and teaches students how to perform, literally, anywhere in the world. In the music classroom, students can learn to better communicate and cooperate with one another.
  • Music performance teaches young people to conquer fear and to take risks. A little anxiety is a good thing, and something that will occur often in life. Dealing with it early and often makes it less of a problem later. Risk-taking is essential if a child is to fully develop his or her potential.

Spanish Program – We offer weekly Spanish classes for all children.

  • When children learn multiple languages at a young age, they develop a life-long love of communicating with others.
  • Opens the door to other cultures and helps a child understand and appreciate people from other countries.
  • By incorporating foreign languages into curriculum, children develop a greater appreciation for diversity.
  • When young children learn about the structure of other languages, their ability in English is enhanced.
  • When children learn a second language at an early age, they will achieve a more native grasp of both grammar and pronunciation in the second language.
  • Leaves students with more flexibility in thinking, greater sensitivity to language, and a better ear for listening.
  • Employers in the United States will continue to value employees who can speak multiple languages, especially Spanish.
  • Children in foreign language programs have tended to demonstrate greater cognitive development, creativity, and divergent thinking than monolingual children.
  • Several studies show that people who are competent in more than one language outscore those who are speakers of only one language on tests of verbal and nonverbal intelligence.
  • Studies also show that learning another language enhances the academic skills of students by increasing their abilities in reading, writing, and mathematics.
  • Improves a child’s understanding of his/her native language.
  • Field Trips – We go on several field trips during the year. Some of our past field trips have included seeing a play at Carco Theater, visiting Remlinger Farms in the fall, and going to the Fire Station.
  • Show and Tell – Children learn to speak in front of a group and practice their listening skills, as well as learn to take turns and respect others’ point of view. Items shared include items such as natural artifacts, books and cultural items.
  • Book Club – Parents and children have the opportunity to buy books, videos, and software at reasonable prices through the Scholastic Book Club.
  • Activities of a Religious Nature – No specific religious belief will be emphasized, however we welcome ethnic and cultural diversity which helps to raise children’s awareness as well as gain an understanding and respect toward all peoples of the world.


To register your, child please fill out the Registration Form below. The registration fee of $140 (non-refundable) must accompany the Registration Form to hold a space for your child(ren).


Sibling discount: 5% (Sibling discount will be applied for the older child’s tuition)
Tuition includes: Spanish & Music enrichment specially designed for 2-6 years taught weekly by professionals.
Other Enrichment activities include: PE/Movement, Yoga, Meditation, Art & Science.

Visiting Lake Meridian Montessori:

Visit our school and discover the bright, inviting environment that will help your child learn and grow. Please contact us by email at or phone the school at (253) 277-8580 to schedule an appointment.

Volunteer Hours

We value parent involvement. Parent involvement results in a great learning community for our children and in frinedships that last into the future. So if you have a child enrolled and would like to help out for a few hours of your day, come by our center and you will received with open arms.

“PLEASE” give at least 24 hours notice. Back ground checks required.